All posts filed under: Life

A Dogs Life

Hi everyone, Diggles here…. or Digby when I’m naughty, which is only about 50% of the time, tops! I’ve got a story to tell about my fabulous life…so here goes. I was born in Geraldton to a family full of girls, and miniscule discipline. I got away with MURDER!! Maybe my limited attention span didn’t help, but early training was a shambles and I sort of did whatever came to me, blaming it on puppy exuberance! Sucked them in a beauty! Eventually, through career opportunity (or sheer desperation) my family moved to Indonesia and I was shipped off to a younger sibling on the other side of the country. What a great place, sea, sun, sand…and half an acre of opportunity to live in! And those opportunities were boundless, all that fencing to conquer, sooooo many holes to dig, a treasure trove of new neighbours to greet, again and again! Shoes to collect, so many shoes, mainly left foot ones for some reason?? I worried about my new family so much I occasionally brought back …


The featured photo is of Dad rubbing his hands in glee….”got her”! That’s Mum! About 1954. Before they were married, before 6 kids, before Mum was gone, before dementia! Here they are again in 1988, Dad doing what he does best…..hamming it up for the camera, or the crowd. With Tim on his wedding day, doing his usual. …and again resident DJ, Mozart style! The family at his 80th. Up till now he was still functioning quite well, and if you didn’t know him too well you wouldn’t suspect anything was amiss. But sadly, things were amiss, missing, forgotten… Early onset dementia was the diagnosis a couple of years earlier, whatever that meant? He looked fine, just a little vague. Nothing to be concerned with, nothing? He was a bit like a functioning alcoholic, all calm on the exterior, still playing it up for his audience, probably completely panicked inside. Knowing what lay ahead. Just not how horrible it would be, how hopeless he would become, how dependent on others for every moment of his …